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Announcement of Shortlisted Procurement: Consultant Services for Preparation of Feasibility Study Documents for the Semarang Rapid Transit Bus Project

Date : 2021-10-05 - 2021-10-05
Status : Close/Tutup

In connection with the Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for Procurement of Consultant Services for the Preparation of the Semarang Bus Rapid Transit Project Feasibility Study ("Work"), the Procurement Committee hereby announces that the Procurement Committee has completed the process of evaluating the delivery of interest (Expressions of Interest/EOI) and by first submitting the following points, that: 1. In accordance with the deadline for the submission of interests (Expressions of Interest/EOI) on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, it has been received the submission of interest in the Work referred to from 13 (thirteen) Prospective Consultants ("Participants"). 2. In accordance with the criteria as stated in REOI, the benchmarks for Participant's assessment are based on credential information/work experience relevant to the Service, namely the Consultant's experience in preparing the feasibility study document for the urban transportation project, especially the Bus Rapid Transit project owned by the local government in Indonesia. 3. Based on the criteria referred to in number (2), the Procurement Committee has determined 7 (seven) Participants with the best value to be included in the Shortlist/Shortlist which will then be invited to participate in the proposal submission process (Request for Proposal/RfP). The following is a Shortlist of Procurement Consultant Services for Preparation of Feasibility Study Documents for the Semarang Rapid Transit Bus Project:
Company Address
1. PT AECOM Indonesia South Quarter Building, Tower C, 5th Floor, Kav.8, Jakarta 12430
2. PT Arup Indonesia Sahid Sudirman Center, Lantai 56, Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 86, Jakarta 10250
3. KSO Far East BRT Planning Co. Ltd, PT Eskapindo Matra & Rebel Group Suite A-22F, 339 Huanshi Dong Lu, Guangzhou, China
4. KSO ITDP-EGIS 9 East 19th Street, 7th Floor,New York, NY 10003
5. PT Mitra Pembangunan Jaya Jl. Cendrawasih Raya, Blok B7/P, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
6. PT Smec Denka Indonesia Gedung NHB, Lt. 2, Jl. Melawai Raya No. 14, Jakarta 12160
7. Systra Indonesia Graha Parama Building, Lt. 2, Jl. K.H Ahmad Dahlan, No. 69 A-B, Jakarta 10220
That's all, thank you for your attention and cooperation. Jakarta, August 8, 2019 Procurement Committee PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) Gedung Sahid Sudirman Center Lt. 47-48 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 86 Jakarta 10220, Indonesia

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