
Consist of Audit Committee, Risk Monitoring Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Risk Monitoring Committee is a committee that assists the Board of Commissioners in monitoring the implementation of risk management and assessing risk tolerance that can be taken by the Company.


This committee was formed to improve corporate governance while maintaining the sustainability of the Company’s business.

Duties and Responsibilities of Risk Monitoring Committee

The Risk Monitoring Committee works collectively it performig their activities to assist the Board of Commissioners. The Risk Monitoring Committee is independent both in carrying out its duties and in reporting, and is directly responsible to the Board of Commissioners.

Appointment, Termination and Composition

The composition of the membership of the Risk Monitoring Committee is at least 3 people where the Chairman of the Risk Monitoring Committee is an Independent Commissioner while the members consist of some members of the commissioners and other members from outside the Company. The Risk Monitoring Committee is appointed and dismissed by the Company’s Board of Commissioners.

Name Position
Dikdik Yustandi
Chairman of Risk Monitoring Committee

Indonesian Citizen, based in Indonesia. Currently he also serves as Independent Commissioner of PT SMI. He was appointed pursuant to the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. SK-02/SMI/DK/0724.

Marlius Alrobin
Member of Risk Monitoring Committee

Indonesian Citizen, born in May 1959, based in Indonesia. He was appointed pursuant to the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. SK-02/SMI/DK/0823.

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Tatang Tabroni
Member of Risk Monitoring Committee

Indonesian Citizen, born in October 1964, based in Indonesia. He was appointed pursuant to the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. SK-02/SMI/DK/0823.

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