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Contract Award Notice: Social Specialist to Support the Implementation of Regional Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF)

Date : 2021-10-05 - 2021-10-05
Status : Close/Tutup

Assignment Title: Individual Consultant: Social Specialist to Support the Implementation of Regional Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) Country: Indonesia Project ID: TF0A3871 Awarded Consultant: Eric Hiariej Date of Contract: November 14, 2018 Contract Amount: IDR 478.400.000,-(incl. tax) Scope of Work: Generally, the Consultant’s scope of work is to extend support and Technical Assistance (TA) to SG, includes administering the activities fall under by PT SMI includes—but not limited to-as follows: 1. Collaborate with PT SMI and Bank’s team to assort TA for SGs working plan, notably on compliance with social safeguards particularly in land acquisition, handling Indigenous People (IP), public facility and local community displacement, vulnerable people and disabilities, and the poor. 2. Assisting SG in conducting research on Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP), merchants and public hospital displacement plan, construction management (as needed by SG), land acquisition for road development (or other sector that may proposed by SG) as stipulated on the RIDF’s Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF). 3. Intensively facilitate and assisting SG when preparing social assessment document (correspond to their needs) and ensure that the documents and process are comply with RIDF’s ESMF. 4. Provide coaching on study-case basis to SG such as identifying social impacts, conducting socio-economic survey, stipulating compensation criteria and local community displacement—including their rights—whom affected from projects construction (Warga Terkena Dampak Proyek/WTP), documenting the negotiation process, conducting public consultation implicates rights and obligation of WTP and SG, documenting its process for transparency reasons, handling complain management, and conducting an IPs handling plan; 5. Facilitating SG and PT SMI to commit coordination with other consultants such as Detail Engineering Design’s Consultant, Constructor for bidding document, local environmental agency (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup/DLH) and land acquisition team (Tim Pengadaan Tanah), regional development planning agency (BAPPEDA), and any other relevant stakeholders; 6. Assisting SG in conducting the whole process or stages of RIDF related to social safeguard aspects; 7. Assisting PT SMI in preparing Handbook or Guidelines for Land Acquisition and Displacement of Traditional Market/Public Hospital; and others public infrastructure necessity; 8. Coordinating with PT SMI team in performing the output’s quality control or any other reports relevant to social safeguard aspects and making report for internal and external use correspond to PT SMI’s internal procedures; 9. Supporting ad hoc RIDF-related tasks as required by PT SMI’s team; 10. Willing to be placed anywhere particularly where the RIDF project is located at the agreed period.

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