Preparing the Right Formula for Quality JKN
PT SMI's annual meetings, webinar series, achievements and CSR programs.
Preparing the Right Formula for Quality JKN
Halal Bihalal with Stakeholders: Kembali ke Fitrah
Break Fasting with Ministry of Finance's SMV, Presents Sinergi Membangun Negeri
Encouraging Sustainability in Regional Development, PT SMI Funds Infrastructure in South Kalimantan and Bengkulu
Ministry of Finance's SMV Synergy Supports the Realization of Connectivity of 149,400 Public Service Points
Strengthen Legal Aspects for Regional Financing, PT SMI Conducts Information Dissemination Event Together With Kejati and Kejari
Ministry of Finance's SMV Synergy to Realize Renewable Energy Strengthening in Indonesia
PT SMI Supports Financing of Regency Road Infrastructure in Sumatra Again
Synergy between PT SMI and Dompet Dhuafa to Support the Achievement of SDGs in Indonesia