20 May 2022
Launching of PT SMI's Program for Gradual Shift of Operational Vehicles to Electric-Based Vehicles
PT SMI's annual meetings, webinar series, achievements and CSR programs.
Launching of PT SMI's Program for Gradual Shift of Operational Vehicles to Electric-Based Vehicles
13th Anniversary of PT SMI, Bangun Berkelanjutan Pulihkan Negeri
PT SMI Supports the Provision of Public Transportation Services
PT SMI GMS, Company's 2022 Work Plan and Budget
PT SMI Supports Development of PTLM Bayang Nyalo 3x2 MW
Hearing Meeting ("RDP") PT SMI with BAKN - DPR RI
PT SMI's Gotong Royong Vaccination
SMIers Meet Up & Virtual Halal Bihalal 2021
PT SMI Obtained ISO 37001:2016 Certification