28 April 2020
Webinar: Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities (GIIO) Vietnam & GIIO Indonesia Update Report Launch
PT SMI's annual meetings, webinar series, achievements and CSR programs.
Webinar: Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities (GIIO) Vietnam & GIIO Indonesia Update Report Launch
Regional loan facility to the Regional Government of West Bandung Regency
PT SMI provides CSR assistance to SD 04 Bayongbong, Garut
Kemenkeu Mengajar 4: One Day of Teaching, Forever Giving Meaning
PT SMI Participates in the HORI 73 Family Gathering at the Ministry of Finance
PT SMI held a talk show named NGOPI - Ngobrol Pembangunan Indonesia
Desa Bakti untuk Negeri 2: Collaboration of PT SMI & Local Residents in Waesano, East Nusa Tenggara
PT SMI Extends Cooperation with Jamdatun
Town Hall Meeting Q2-2019: Working with Millennials? This is the Right Tips from Wishnutama