PT SMI believes that value increment will improve the Company’s performance and enhance integrity in giving value added to the shareholders and stakeholders as well as to help national economy in its role as a Catalyst and/or a Facilitator between the Project Owner and Investor in infrastructure financing and/or preparation of Indonesian infrastructure.
As a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) under the Ministry of Finance, PT SMI’s GCG practice is in compliance with the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 88/PMK.06/2015 regarding the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance by the Company (Persero) under the guidance and supervision of the Minister of Finance.
PT SMI consistently committed to implement the GCG based on GCG key values amongst others Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, and Equality and Fairness.
The implementation of GCG principles has the following objectives:
Consist of Audit Committee, Risk Monitoring Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Read moreThe Corporate Secretary acts as a bridge between PT SMI and all stakeholders and maintains PT SMI's positive image amongst the community and all relevant... Read more
The Head of Internal Audit is appointed and dismissed by the President Director with the Board of Commissioners' approval. The appointment, replacement,... Read more
The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is a meeting for all shareholders that can be called by the board of directors or requested by the board of commiss... Read more
PT SMI is committed to maintaining the trust of stakeholders and complying with all regulations. In doing so, the Company identify and continuously monitor a... Read more
PT SMI has been adopting Guidelines of a Whistleblowing System (WBS) since 2014. PT SMI has developed a web-based application that lets people report violati... Read more
Articles of Association
Board Manual
Code of Conduct
Code of Corporate Governance
Gratification Control Procedure
Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) Procedure
Anti-Bribery Management System Implementation 2023
PT SMI's ISO 37001 Certificate
Business Continuity Management Policy Commitment
Guidelines for Implementing Anti-Fraud Strategies
AML CFT Statement
AML CFT Request Form
Wolfsberg Financial Crime Compliance Questionnaire