CSR Stories 27 December 2024
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Improving Health Access to Remote Areas of the Country, PT SMI Provides Clean Energy at Padang Alang Health Center

Established since 1976, Padang Alang Health Center, Alor Regency, NTT, is the closest health service center for 2,973 people from 4 villages, namely Padang Alang Village, Maikang Village, Sidabui Village, and Kiraman Village.

Unfortunately, in addition to difficult access, Padang Alang Health Center experiences many operational constraints. Many medical and non-medical equipment cannot be used, thus preventing residents from getting services.

To overcome this problem, PT SMI collaborates with the Pelita Khatulistiwa Foundation in the #PatunganListrik program, as a form of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) in the form of assistance for installing PLTS. Previously, PT SMI has also participated in #PatunganListrik since 2016 and began actively contributing in 2017.

In addition to the PLTS installation assistance, PT SMI has also renovated the Padang Alang Health Center in 2019 to become a Standard C Health Center. Assistance in the form of health equipment such as computers, ultrasound equipment, refrigerators, and microscopes was also provided, so that health workers can work optimally.


Benefits for Health Services

PLTS is designed with a Hybrid - Off Grid Single Phase system installed on the roof (rooftop mounting) with a total capacity of 5500Wp and a 14.4kWh battery. With these PLTS specifications, operational service activities can be carried out more smoothly. Medical and non-medical equipment can be used, so that services become more optimal.

The inauguration of the PLTS was carried out in December and was attended by: Head of the Alor Regency Health Office (dr. Farida Aryani), Head of South Alor District (Immanuel Saldeng, S.H.), as well as government staff, community leaders, religious leaders, and health center staff.

The existence of this PLTS is expected to help the local community to get maximum health services. PT SMI is always committed to supporting infrastructure progress throughout the archipelago through financing projects and TJSL projects, in order to improve community welfare.



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