News Updates 19 April 2021
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IPB Holds Urban Farming Training in Pasarean Village, Teaches People to be Productive while at Home

The Department of Economic Resources and Environment, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University in collaboration with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) held an urban farming training. This training was held in an effort to utilize household organic waste in the warehouse area of ​​the Srikandi Berdikari Garbage Bank (BSSB). The TRAINING itself was attended by residents of Pasarean Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency. This training was given because the easiest and less complicated agricultural activity, namely farming, started from home. Farming at home can be started by utilizing inorganic and organic waste. Inorganic waste can be in the form of media for planting seeds, such as plastic cups, plastic bottles, boxes or other plastic materials. Meanwhile, organic waste is made from food waste that has been separated and used as solid and liquid fertilizer used to nourish plants. The Head of the ESL FEM Department of IPB University, Ahyar Ismail, hopes that with this training, the residents of Pasarean Village will get a good education because the resource persons from NOSC are very experienced and are expected to be able to directly practice it through the use of inorganic and organic waste around their homes. "A good way to plant so that it produces good plants too. Everything will be explained and practiced by the resource person," he said. Nagrak Organic SRI Center (NOSC) is an organic farming training center located in Nagrak-Sukabumi as the resource person for the training event, led by Iwan Setiaji and his team. Urban farming is a farming activity carried out by residents by utilizing the surrounding area. "This idea arose on the basis of minimalist land use, the use of household waste, the difficulty of getting food under certain conditions, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, many people were doing urban farming because most of their activities were carried out at home, thus increasing public awareness about food. healthy," said Ivan. The practice of farming preparation by utilizing inorganic and organic waste, so that both can be used, among others, by preparing nutrients in the form of soil, black husks and liquid fertilizer in the form of moles (local microorganisms) or solid fertilizer in the form of compost. These three ingredients must be present to support plant growth. If using only nutrients in the form of soil is not enough for plants even though it can hold water and if only using husks it is also not good because the husks do not have the ability to store water, then fertilizer is used to nourish plants so that they thrive and get maximum results. The ratio of soil, compost and burnt husk used is 2:1:1, namely 2 parts of soil, 1 part of compost and 1 part of burnt husks, the three ingredients are stirred. Then put it in a polybag or other container made of glass waste and a plastic bottle or cardboard with a thickness of 5 cm to be then doused with enough water or mole, then do the seeding. In farming activities, one must encounter plant-disturbing organisms (OTP) which are divided into three elements, namely: microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi while the other elements are insects and mammals. Therefore it is necessary to have pesticides to avoid these OTPs, the pesticides that will be used in this training are organic pesticides made from spices such as ginger, turmeric, cente leaves, badotan leaves, soursop leaves, noni leaves, brotowali and other spices. onions and garlic to produce an unpleasant odor, unpleasant taste and has a hot character. The spraying of organic pesticides is carried out in the afternoon with a dose of 1 cc plus 1 liter of water. All materials that have been applied must not be touched directly by hands, but must wear gloves or hands wrapped in plastic.   Source: metropolitan.id
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