Events 14 March 2018
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Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa!

Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa! Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa! Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa! Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa! Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa! Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa! Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa! PT SMI held an event titled "Nawabakti PT SMI, Membangun Negeri Kita Bisa!" that attended by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, and Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara, as well as other Stakeholders. For 9 years, PT SMI has always adhered to Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and has built a strong corporate foundation in doing the following: Role of Catalyst Role as Indonesia's infrastructure development catalyst through the provision of innovative and flexible financing products. Positive Impact of Socio-Economic In conducting the financing, PT SMI has contributed to the social economic impact of the community, among others 2 million households get access to clean water, 2.6 million households have access to electricity, 52 thousand telecommunication towers, 2,700 km optical fiber in Central Indonesia. Enabler Function PT SMI acts as an enabler in the development of infrastructure financing ecosystems in Indonesia by providing business consultancy services aimed at preparing a project to be bankable or ready to be provided funding by potential investors. Project Development of KPBU Assist the development of projects with the scheme of Cooperation between Government and Business Entities (KPBU) as an alternative of infrastructure financing so that the resulting multiplier effect will be greater. Dissemination of Infrastructure Knowledge - Infrastructure Library (InfraLib) In order to encourage the dissemination of information and knowledge related to infrastructure in Indonesia, PT SMI presents InfraLib (Indonesia Infrastructure Library); an online knowledge-based information/knowledge portal that can be accessed by all Indonesians to obtain information/knowledge related to infrastructure.
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