20 June 2022
News Updates
Sustainable Development: Definition, Concepts, and Goals
Stay ahead on what's happening in Indonesia's infrastructure/ national development and more.
Sustainable Development: Definition, Concepts, and Goals
The Importance of Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
Get to know the Government and Business Entity Cooperation or KPBU and its ins and outs!
Getting to Know Government-Owned Financial Institutions in Indonesia
PT SMI and Laznas LMI Collaborate to Plant 25 Thousand Trees
SMI Says It Received IDR 46.95 Trillion Funds for SDGs Indonesia One
PT SMI Records an Increase in the Value of Financing and Investment Commitments of IDR 134.85 T
The Challenges of the Changing World, Sri Mulyani Asks PT SMI to Take Advantage of Opportunities
PT SMI Receives IDR 43 T for Sustainable Development Financing