Consulting Services to Prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment of Road & Bridge Construction Project
Project ID
Date of Publication
October 10, 2019
Result of Shorlisted Firm
Based on our evaluation on the credentials (quality of the portfolio, relevance to the assignment, and responsiveness to REOI) hereby we’d like to express the shortlisted consultants as follows:
Rank |
Firm |
Address |
Score (pts) |
Result* |
1st |
Karsa Buana Lestari, PT |
Jl. Bintaro Permai Raya Kav. 8/III, Bintaro, Pesanggrahan Jakarta Selatan 12330 |
88.13 |
Pass |
2nd |
Hatfield Indonesia, PT |
Gedung Kusnoto LIPI Lantai 3, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No.18 Bogor 16122 |
86.25 |
Pass |
3rd |
Mitra Adi Pranata, PT |
Jl. Cemara Raya No. 45 Banyumanik Kota Semarang 50276 |
78.75 |
Pass |
4th |
Kwarsa Hexagon, PT |
Jl. Rancabolang No. 36 Bandung 40286 |
71.25 |
Pass |
- |
Haskoning Indonesia, PT |
Gedung Ventura lantai 2 & 3 Jl. RA Kartini No. 26 Cilandak Jakarta Selatan 12430 |
68.44 |
Fail |
- |
Batu Hijau Paramesti, PT |
Wisma Monex Lt. 9, Jalan Asia Afrika No. 133-137, Bandung 40122 |
63.75 |
Fail |
- |
Wiratman Chodai Indonesia, PT KSO PT Wiratman |
Graha Simatupang Tower II Blok A & D Jl. Letjen Simatupang Kav. 38 Jakarta 12540 |
57.50 |
Fail |
Minimum Passing Grade Score >= 70 pts;
Project Development Objective
To support the implementation of development of road and bridge construction projects and in certain region areas that are comply with the Environmental and Social Management Framework as stipulated in the World Bank's Safeguard Operational Policies, especially OP 4.01 (Environmental Assessment), OP 4.10 (Indigenous Peoples), OP 4.11 (Cultural Heritage Objects), and OP 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement).
Maximum Place Order
Three (3)
Duration of Panel
Twelve (12) months from the date of this Publication or when the Maximum Place Order is achieved, whichever reached first. Termination of Panel will be announced if the maximum order has been reached.
Next Step
In accordance to the Selection Based on Consultants' Qualifications (CQS) as stipulated in the Procurement provisions for World Bank-funded projects in the
Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011, revised July 2014), the Request for Proposal (RfP), containing the scope of work will be given to the 1st-rank firm. If the 1st rank firm is not capable to carry out the assignment or the negotiations fail, then the RfP will be given to the 2nd rank firm on the shortlist, and so forth.
Contract Award Notice
Award notice for each contract will be announce separately
Other Provisions
The shortlisted consultant is announced at the PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)’s sole and absolute discretion and we’re not required to provide any explanation regarding this matter.