PT SMI has participated in Indonesia International Infrastructure Conference and Exhibition (IIICE) 2014 which was held on November 5-7, 2014, at Jakarta Convention Center. During the event, PT SMI™s management was actively participated as speaker and delegates at the conference. A number of discussions related to potential cooperation with other parties have also been carried out in PT SMI™s booth. PT SMI received positive responses and expected to broaden its potential cooperation with various parties and all its stakeholders in order to implement PT SMI™s mandate as a catalyst in accelerating infrastructure development in Indonesia.
Day 1: November 5, 2014
Ms. Emma Sri Martini, President Director of PT SMI, delivering Private Keynote Presentation: “Financing Power Generation Projects to Accelerate Electricity Coverage throughout the Nation in main conference room IIICE 2014.
Day 2: a series of informal discussion on November 6, 2014
Informal Discussion: Coffee Morning “Improving Bankability of Renewable Energy Projects in Indonesia with speakers were Mr. Agus Triwandoyo, Head of Investment, Directorat General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource; Mr. Ade Swargo Partnership Development, UNDP; Mr. Ruswin Nazsir President Director of PT Energi Infranusantara; Ms. Cynthia Hendrayani President Director of PT Acritas Energy Persada and Mr. Darwin Trisna Djajawinata, Project Development and Advisory Director of PT SMI as the moderator.

Dialogue "Accelerating Infrastructure Development with speakers were Mr. Dr. Ir. Wahyu Utomo MS, Expert Staff of Regional Development, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia; Mr. Ir. Agoes Boedi Tjahjono, MT, Head of Public Works & Urban Planning Sidoarjo Regency, East Java; Mr. Darwin Trisna Djajawinata, Project Development and Advisory Director of PT SMI and Ms. Tifanny Raytama as the moderator.
Afternoon Tea "Infrastructure Market Outlook 2015" with Ms. Aviliani, Economist and Mr. Edwin Syahruzad, Financing and Investment Director of PT SMI as the speakers. Ms. Tifanny Raytama acted as the moderator

Mr. Edwin Syahruzad, Director of PT SMI, delivering his presentation on “Airport Financing Option at the Indonesia Aviation Business Forum (IABF): Financing Options for Indonesia™s Airport Infrastructure held in main conference room IIICE 2014.
Day 3: November 7, 2014

Coffee Morning “Infrastructure as an Asset Class with Mr. Nasrizal Nazir, Director of PT SMI as the speaker and Ms. Maria Kalaij as the moderator.

Student Workshop “Indonesia Infrastructure 2015. Mr. David Widianto and Mr. Jatmiko K. Santosa (both are Division Head of PT SMI) shared the lesson learned of Public Private Partnerships scheme as well as PT SMI participation in order to accelerate infrastructure development in Indonesia. Student workshop was attended by students from University of Indonesia, University of Atma Jaya and University of Bakrie

Battle Competition Stand Up Comedy "Indonesia Infrastructure" hosted by Acho from Stand Up Comedy Indonesia. Some students from University of Atma Jaya and University of Bakrie were also participated in Stand Up Comedy and having a big applause from the audience.