PT SMI terus memberikan kontribusi terbaik dengan menjadi bagian dari pembangunan nasional yang memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat Indonesia.
No. | Penghargaan | Dari |
1 | Inovasi SMV Terbaik: ReFina | Kompetisi Inovasi Kementerian Keuangan (KIKK) |
2 | Terpopuler di Media Cetak dan Online 2022 Sub Kategori BUMN Non Tbk | PR Indonesia Awards (PRIA) |
3 | Merit Award - Category: Human Capital Development, PT SMI’s Global Secondment Program | ADFIAP |
4 | Merit Award - Category: SME Development, Coffee Qita Takes on Stages in G20 Presidency | ADFIAP |
5 | Merit Award - Category: Infrastructure Development, Indonesia’s Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM) Country Platform | ADFIAP |
6 | Merit Award - Category: Financial Inclusion, Road to G20 Product Innovation and Digital Marketing Training Session | ADFIAP |
7 | Merit Award - Category: Corporate Social Responsibility, Shrimp Carbon Aquaculture (SECURE) and Sustainable Eco Tourism for Mangrove Rehabilitation | ADFIAP |
8 | Best Innovation in Financial Services to Recognize in De-Risking Investment Renewable Energy | The Karlsruhe Sustainable Finance Award |
9 | ESG Award: Best Facilitator in Debt and Project Financing | Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati (KEHATI) |
10 | ESG Award: Best Investor/Creditor in Debt and Project Financing | Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati (KEHATI) |
11 | The Greatest Champions of GRC Excellence Performance 2023 (Financial Services) | BusinessNews Indonesia |
12 | The Best GRC for Corporate Finance 2023 (Financial Services) | BusinessNews Indonesia |
13 | The Best GRC for Corporate Culture 2023 (Financial Services) | BusinessNews Indonesia |
14 | The Best Risk Management Officer 2023: Pradana Murti | BusinessNews Indonesia |
15 | TOP GRC Awards 2023 #5 Star | Top Business |
16 | The Most Commited GRC Leader 2023: Risk Management Director of PT SMI | Top Business |
17 | The High Performing Board of Commissioners on GRC 2023: Board of Commissioners of PT SMI | Top Business |
18 | List of 106 Influential Companies and Agencies in the Communication Sector | PR Indonesia |
19 | Gold Award in the Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRRAT) | National Center for Corporate Reporting (NCCR) |
20 | Asian Water Awards 2023: Engineering Excellence of the Year - Indonesia | Asian Power |
21 | Asian Water Awards 2023: Outstanding Water Treatment Plant Design Award - Indonesia | Asian Power |
22 | Inovasi Terbaik: Sustainable Green Office | Kompetisi Inovasi Kementerian Keuangan (KIKK) |
No. | Awards | From |
1 |
The Best Corporate Brand – 2nd Best Overall BUMN di bawah Kementerian Keuangan |
Majalah Infobank |
2 |
Indonesia Best Multifinance 2022 with Gold Financial Performance and Innovative Infrastructure Financing |
Majalah Warta Ekonomi |
3 |
TOP GRC Awards 2022 #4 Stars |
Majalah Top Business |
4 |
The Most Committed GRC Leader 2022: Bapak Pradana Murti |
Majalah Top Business |
5 |
Special Appreciation of TOP GRC Awards 2022 on Supporting of G20 Indonesia Presidency |
Majalah Top Business |
6 |
Best TJSL 2022 with Outstanding Community Poverty Alleviation Programs |
Warta Ekonomi |
7 |
Outstanding CEO of the Year Award 2022: Bapak Edwin Syahruzad |
8 |
Winner of Project: DBuN III Clean Water Facility in Desa Bajo Indah, Category: Infrastructure Development |
9 |
Merit Award for Project: Solar Panel to Increase Health & Energy Accessibility in Thohoyandou Otoniel Health Center, Category: Corporate Social Responsibility |
10 |
Special Award: Best Sustainability Report, Category: Corporate Social Responsibility |
11 |
Top 100 CEO 2022: Bapak Edwin Syahruzad |
Majalah Infobank |
12 |
The Next Top 200 Leaders Under 50 Financial Sectors & SOEs 2022: Bapak Faaris Pranawa & Bapak Pradana Murti, Category: Financial Sector & SOEs |
Majalah Infobank |
13 |
BUMN Terbaik 2022, Kategori: BUMN Terbaik di bawah Kementerian Keuangan RI |
Majalah Investor |
14 |
Apresiasi Khusus: Membangun Negeri Kinerja, BUMN Berprestasi |
Metro TV |
15 |
Penyedia Jasa Konsultasi Non Konstruksi Terbaik |
PT MRT Jakarta |
No. | Awards | From |
1 | TOP GRC 2021 #4 Stars | TOP GRC |
2 | The Most Committed GRC Leader 2021 - Faaris Pranawa | TOP GRC |
3 | The High Performing Corporate Secretary on GRC 2021 - Ramona Harimurti | TOP GRC |
4 | Penghargaan Indonesia State-Owned Enterprise dengan predikat “Sangat Bagus” untuk kinerja keuangan tahun 2020 | Majalah Infobank |
5 | Infobank Golden Throphy, BUMN dengan predikat khusus “Sangat Bagus” 5 tahun berturut-turut dari 2016-2020 | Majalah Infobank |
6 | Infobank Special Award 2021, The Most Efficient Indonesia State-Owned Enterprise | Majalah Infobank |
7 | Gold Rank - Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2021 | National Center for Sustainability Reporting |
8 | Peringkat ke-2 The Best Corporate Brand Kategori BUMN di bawah Kementerian Keuangan | Majalah Infobank |
9 | Winner, Category: Corporate Social Responsibility, Project: Ambulance River Boats | ADFIAP |
10 | Winner, Category: Corporate Governance, Project: Regional Financing Monitoring System | ADFIAP |
11 | Merit Award, Category: Environmental Development, Project: Grievance Redress Mechanism | ADFIAP |
12 | Merit Award, Category: Technology Development, Project: FS Solar Rooftop Airports | ADFIAP |
13 | Merit Award, Category: Local Economic Development, Project: Improving the Economy of the Labuan Bajo Community after COVID-19 Pandemic Situation | ADFIAP |
14 | The Best Financial/Non-Bank for RE Financing | Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan Indonesia (METI) |
15 | Bronze Award, Category: Public Sector, Asia’s Best Sustainability Report 2021 | CSRworks International Pte LTD |