16 November 2021
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Prequalification Announcement: Manpower Service Provision to Support PT SMI's Office Operations

Date : 2021-11-17 - 2021-11-24
Status : Close/Tutup

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“PT SMI”) through its Procurement Team shall conduct a prequalification for the Goods/Services Procurement with following conditions:

  1. Work Package

    Name: Manpower Service Provision to Support PT SMI's Office Operations
    Scope: Work of Manpower Service Provision to Support PT SMI's Office Operations
    Site: PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
    Sahid Sudirman Center, 47-49 Floors
    Jend. Sudirman Rd. No. 86, Central Jakarta 10220

  2. Registration of Prospective Goods/Services Providers

    This Procurement Process is open to the public; hence, the Prospective Providers meeting the requirements must register on PT SMI Vendor Portal. The registration link is as follows: https://vms.ptsmi.co.id/VendorPortal/Login
    The Prospective Providers are required to register until the status is verified. If there are any problems, you may contact us by email at khairunnisa@ptsmi.co.id and novitasari.dup@ptsmi.co.id

  3. Special Requirements for Prospective Goods/Services Providers
    1. The company's financial statements for the last 3 (three) years (2018, 2019, and 2020). These financial statements should have been audited by a Public Accountant;
    2. List of company’s work experience in the field of Office Operational Support (Outsourcing) within the last 3 (three) years.
    3. Additional Administrative Documents should include:
      • A Statement of Interest in Prequalification Participation by including the email address and mobile /whatsapp number for correspondence signed by the Head of the company and affixed with the company’s stamp;
      • A Document Authenticity Statement Letter;
      • A Letter stating Free of Case or Lawsuit.
  4. Prequalification Result

    The prequalification selection process shall be carried out by PT SMI Procurement Team which will produce a short list of Prospective Providers who have met the most appropriate qualifications.

  5. Procedure for Prequalification Document Submission
    1. Prequalification Documents should be submitted by email address at ddkprocurement@ptsmi.co.id;
    2. The Prospective Providers who submit Prequalification Documents must have carried out the registration on PT SMI Vendor Portal until the status is verified.
    3. The deadline for submitting pre-qualification documents is effective as of 17th November 2021 until 24th November 2021;
    4. If the prequalification document submission does not meet the above submission deadline above, the documents will not be opened and will not be processed further.

We thank you for your kind attention
Jakarta, 16th November 2021



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