JAKARTA - The government through PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT SMI) provides loans to several regions to restore economic conditions affected by the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19).
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, in the signing of the cooperation agreement between PT SMI with two regional governments, namely West Java and DKI Jakarta said, the two regions submitted loan proposals with a value of Rp 12.5 trillion each for DKI Jakarta, and Rp 4 trillion for West Java.
Thus, the total regional loans disbursed to the two regions amounted to Rp 16.5 trillion.
"Loans delivered today for development in the health sector such as hospitals, road construction, bridges, and markets," Sri Mulyani said in his presentation on Monday (7/27/2020).
She further explained, in addition to West Java and DKI Jakarta, Banten Province had also applied for a loan from the government of Rp 1.9 trillion.
In more detail explained, the regional loan will be valid for two years. For the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to propose loans of Rp 4.5 trillion in 2020 and Rp 8 trillion in 2021.
The budget will be used to finance infrastructure constraints that are constrained by funds, primarily in the drinking water service sector, flood control, waste management, transportation, tourism, and sports.
Meanwhile, the West Java Provincial Government submitted a loan of Rp 1.904 trillion in 2020 and Rp 2.098 trillion in 2021.
The budget will be used to finance infrastructure development such as social infrastructure (hospitals, health centers, health facilities), logistics infrastructure, MBR housing, special area management, and environmental infrastructure.
"The purpose of this program is for the regional government, I know, like Mr. Anies and RK, they already have a list that they want to fund. If Mr. Anies is flooded, Mr. Ridwan Kamil has many programs such as Puskesmas, highways. This is something very important. If you can also absorb energy work as much as possible so as to create jobs," she said.
Sri Mulyani continued, the loan was carried out with a tenor of ten years. The interest given to the regional government is close to 0 percent.
The government budget ceiling for funding loans to regional governments in the recovery of the national economy this year is Rp 15 trillion. From the 2020 National Budget, it is worth Rp 10 trillion and PT SMI is Rp 5 trillion.