Date | : | 2022-02-21 - 2022-02-24 |
Status | : | Close/Tutup |
Backgrounds. PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“the Company)—a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) with 100% shares owned by the Government of Indonesia through the Minister of Finance (MoF) Republic of Indonesia—through Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) number 105/PMK.07/2020 dated August 7th, 2020 as amended through PMK number 179/PMK.07/2020 dated November 11, 2020, has received a mandate to distributing and administering loan facilities provided by the Central Government to Subnational Governments (SG), who particularly affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic in order to the Economic Recovery Program National (PEN) (“SG Loan”). Currently, the program financed by SG Loan amount to 4,531 activities spread across 81 SG throughout Indonesia.
Request for the Expression of Interest. Regarding such mandate, the Company seek for Consulting Services (“the Consultant”) to evaluate the SG Loan that have been disbursed including measuring the impact of its social-economic benefits. Consultant can submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) using given template that can be accessed here. Consultants who have submitted the EOI will obtain the Prequalification Document. Consultant may also associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture to enhance their qualifications.
Procedures for the EOI Submission. Soft file of EOI shall be sent to: using the following subject line: [PEN-Daerah] Nama Konsultan – Penyampaian Minat Untuk Prakualifikasi Panel Konsultan Evaluasi Pinjaman PEN Daerah no later than Thursday, February 24th, 2022.
Meanwhile, the hardcopy of EOI shall be sent separately to the following address:
Mailing Room
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
Sahid Sudirman Center, Lantai 47 Jl Jend. Sudirman No. 86,
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
U.P. Sdr. Riza Murtaza R
Procurement Scheme & Packaging.
Procurement Scheme described as follows.
Phase I (Empanelment). Consultant who has passed the qualification evaluation will be included in the Consultancy Panels and will be offered an Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) with a period of 1 (one) year from the announcement date of Panels and can be extended as needed.
Phase II (call-down assignment). Consultancy Panels will be invited to submit proposals based on the Specific Terms of Reference. Consultants engaged through the Panel will be contracted using framework agreement.
Furthermore, Procurement Packaging describe as follows.
No |
Package No. |
Packages |
SubSub-Paket |
Total Jumlah Kegiatan |
1. |
PEN01 |
Bali dan Nusa Tenggara |
6 SG |
131 |
2. |
PEN02 |
Bali dan Nusa Tenggara |
7 SG |
537 |
3. |
PEN03 |
Jawa |
10 SG |
236 |
4. |
PEN04 |
Kalimantan, Maluku, dan Papua |
7 SG |
131 |
5. |
PEN05 |
Sulawesi |
7 SG |
165 |
6. |
PEN06 |
Sulawesi |
8 SG |
692 |
7. |
PEN07 |
Sulawesi |
5 SG |
174 |
8. |
PEN08 |
Sulawesi |
8 SG |
411 |
9. |
PEN09 |
Sumatera |
7 SG |
452 |
10. |
PEN10 |
Sumatera |
8 SG |
411 |
11. |
PEN11 |
Sumatera |
8 SG |
1.191 |
Indicative Timeline. Below are important dates related to the implementation of Prequalification Process.
No |
Tahap |
Mulai |
Sampai |
1. |
Invitation to Prequalification |
21 February 2022 |
21 February 2022 |
2. |
Expression of Interest |
21 February 2022 |
24 February 2022 |
3. |
Submission of Prequalification Doc |
25 February 2022 |
25 February 2022 |
4. |
Pre-Qualification Meeting |
1 March 2022 |
1 March 2022 |
5. |
Submission of Qualification Doc |
25 February 2022 |
10 March 2022 |
6. |
Announcement of Qualification Evaluation Results |
18 March 2022 |
18 March 2022 |
7. |
Determination of IDCs Consultancy Panel |
24 March 2022 |
24 March 2022 |
8. |
Confirmation’s approval for the Determination of IDCs Consultancy Panel |
24 March 2022 |
31 March 2022 |
Cipto Adi Utomo
Head of Procurement Committee
Request for Expressions of Interest: Consulting Services to Prepare the Detail Engineering Design for the Construction of Bersehati Public Market in Manado
Date | : | 07 April 2020 - 22 April 2020 |
Status | : | Close/Tutup |
Request for Expressions of Interest: Consulting Services to Prepare the Feasibility Study for the Development of Sekayu Regional General Hospital in Musi Banyuasin Regency
Date | : | 11 November 2019 - 02 December 2019 |
Status | : | Close/Tutup |
Expression of Interest Evaluation Result Notice: Consulting Services for DED of Traditional Market Construction Project
Date | : | 05 October 2021 - 05 October 2021 |
Status | : | Close/Tutup |