Press Releases 03 December 2013
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Signing of Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement between PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) and Balai Besar Teknologi Energi-Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (B2TE-BPPT) a

PRESS RELEASE “ENERGY PARTNERS GATHERING” B2TE – BPPT 2013 EVENT Managing Energy for Better Future Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta 4 December 2013

The economic growth as stated in MP3EI needs energy sustainability that guarantees the implementation of national development. Therefore, many problems in supplying and benefiting from energy, such as the limited fossil energy sources yet are highly consumed, the limited infrastructure supplying energy, the weak national industry in energy sector, the non-optimized use of new and renewable energy, as well as the low efficiency level of national energy use, must be formulated and be solved comprehensively.

In the Long-Term Development Plan, as stipulated in Law NO 17 year 2007, the government has proclaimed the 2025 national development vision, which is to achieve INDONESIA THAT IS INDEPENDENT, DEVELOPED, FAIR, AND PROSPEROUS.

The non-renewable energy sources that are the main components in national energy supply until now are continuously decreasing, whereas the use of renewable energy sources is not yet optimized. Therefore, fundamental changes need to be done in terms of energy management paradigm, to guarantee energy availability for the future’s long-term development. First, it is to change the paradigm in considering energy sources as a commodity to be as a development capital. The second paradigm is to change from the management pattern of the supply side (supply side management) to be the management pattern of the demand side (demand side management). Such basic changes in the energy management paradigm as aforementioned will have good implication in the policy stage as well as in the implementation stage.

BPPT as a non-ministerial government institution that has duties and authorities to perform review and technology implementation feels the huge responsibilities to be the pioneer in the implementation stage of the above mentioned changes of energy management paradigm.

In this context, BPPT through Balai Besar Teknologi Energi has a program to prepare recommendation and provide input either to the government or to other stakeholders, regarding which technology should be developed and applied to achieve the energy elasticity target. There are five focuses of activities in order to achieve such target, which are Development and Implementation of Energy-Saving Technology, Energy Efficiency Testing and Standardizing, Development and Implementation of Energy Management System, Wind Hybrid Power Generation (WHyPGen) as well as Microturbine Cogeneration Technology to reduce the emission of Green House Gas (GRK).

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