Events 22 January 2018
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Signing of Municipal Financing Agreement between PT SMI and the Provincial Government of Lampung for 6 Provincial Road Projects worth Rp600 billion

signing-provinsi-lampung-02 signing-provinsi-lampung-04 signing-provinsi-lampung-03 On January 23, 2018 has been done the Signing of Municipal Financing Agreement between PT SMI and the Provincial Government of Lampung for 6 Provincial Road Projects worth Rp600 billion. The 6 provincial road projects are: 1. Simpang Korpri - Sukadamai 2. Padang Cermin - Kedondong 3. Bangunrejo - Wates 4. Pringsewu - Pardasuka 5. Simpang Pematang - Brabasan 6. Brabasan - Wiralaga The signing was done by the Director of Financing and Investment of PT SMI, Edwin Syahruzad and Lampung Governor Muhammad Ridho Ficardo. Lending to local government (Pemda) for road construction is not the first time done by PT SMI. Previously, PT SMI also provided loans to the local government for road construction, including North Kolaka, Bandar Lampung and South Halmahera.
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