Events 22 July 2020
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Signing of Regional Financing Agreement between PT SMI and the Provincial Government of Southeast Sulawesi

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) ("PT SMI") and the Provincial Government of Southeast Sulawesi signed Regional Financing Agreement worth Rp799 billion (07/22) in Jakarta. (07/22) in Jakarta. This regional loan will be use for the construction of the Kendari-Toronipa road section in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The agreement was signed by the President Director of PT SMI, Edwin Syahruzad and the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, Ali Mazi, while continuing to implement health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. The road construction that will be funded by PT SMI provides several impacts including:
  1. Supporting Kendari Bay as a Provincial Strategic Area from the standpoint of economic importance;
  2. Connecting the Konawe Industrial Zone (KIK) in Morosi and the Morowali Industrial Estate in Central Sulawesi Province with the Kendari and Kendari New Port Container Ports as well as a more efficient logistics and human route;
  3. Developing tourism areas along the Kendari-Toronipa road such as Bokori Island, Saponda Island, Saponda Laut Island, Hari Island, Bajo tribe village, and Toronipa Beach which are very potential to be developed; and
  4. As an alternative route, if the main logistics route from Kolaka to Kendari is cut off due to frequent landslide disasters and broken bridges.
In accordance with its mandate, PT SMI as one of the Special Mission Vehicles (SMV) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia always has a commitment to encourage infrastructure development that brings social and economic benefits to the people of Indonesia while continuing to prioritize the principles of Good Corporate Governance.
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