Events 15 September 2020
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Signing of the Regional PEN Loan Agreement with the Provincial Government of Banten

As a follow-up to the Banten Governor's proposal regarding the application for National Economic Recovery assistance through the regional economic recovery program in Banten Province which was affected by the economic downturn due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a Regional National Economic Recovery (PEN) Loan Agreement worth Rp851.7 billion was signed online between the President Director of PT SMI, Edwin Syahruzad and the Governor of Banten, Wahidin Halim, who was also witnessed by the Director of Financing & Investment of PT SMI, Sylvi J. Gani. This PEN Loan Agreement to Regional Government is the first loan agreement successfully signed by PT SMI and the Regional Government after going through processes and procedures that always observe the principles of Good Corporate Governance. This is an achievement in itself for PT SMI in carrying out the mandate as well as the assignment received from the Government as the implementer of the PEN program. This loan fund will be used by the Banten Provincial Government to finance development in the fields of education (public school facilities and infrastructure & special needs), health (improving services through the construction of health facilities), public works & spatial planning (road & bridge development, rehabilitation of irrigation networks, and maintenance of water resources networks), and settlements (construction of stadiums, development of clean water & sanitation, and provision of livable houses for the poor).
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