Events 28 December 2022
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The signing of the Term Financing Agreement and Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMQ) Financing Facility

PT SMI signed a Term Financing Agreement and Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMQ) Financing Facility with Subholding PT Krakatau Steel (Persero), Tbk. (KS) namely PT Krakatau Sarana Infrastruktur (KSI) on (28/12) which was carried out by the Director of Financing & Investment of PT SMI - Sylvi J. Gani and the President Director of PT KSI - Agus Nizar Vidiansyah. The signing was also witnessed directly by the President Director of PT SMI - Edwin Syahruzad and the President Director of PT KS - Silmy Karim.

Later this financing will be used by PT KSI to support plans to develop land banking for industrial estates and their supporters which require a total of IDR 2.3 trillion in total, in which PT SMI's participation is IDR 1 trillion through the financing agreement.

The development of this industrial area business is expected to support PT KSI's land banking strategy so that it can have a positive impact, especially on improving PT KSI's business performance and in general the development of the Cilegon industrial area.

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