Events 09 March 2022
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13th Anniversary of PT SMI, Bangun Berkelanjutan Pulihkan Negeri

Hashtag #BangunBerkelanjutanPulihkanNegeri be a theme carried by PT SMI in commemorating 13th Anniversary of PT SMI. A series of PT SMI Anniversary events, which began with Anniversary Celebration held virtually, at (8/3). On this occasion, present Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati and staffs in the Ministry of Finance, Board of Commissioners and BOC's Organs, the Sharia Supervisory Board, Board of Directors, Former Commissioners and Directors of PT SMI, Board of Directors of Special Mission Vehicles (SMV), and also SMIers (PT SMI's Employees).

Minister of Finance to appreciate the achievement and performance has been given by PT SMI for 13 years of service in the work to build the country. Efforts PT SMI in implementing digital technology in the process of filing the loan application areas such as Regional Financing System (ReFina) to be one thing to be appreciated.

Looking ahead, PT SMI also expected to face challenges such as climate change issues were a major topic of the G20 Presidency this year, and can provide insight into the concept of green financing to areas more evenly so that awareness. Strengthening internal capacity also becomes an important point PT SMI to be able to perform the role as a Development Financial Institution (DFI).

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