
Consist of Audit Committee, Risk Monitoring Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Company’s Audit Committee was formed through the Decision of the Board of Commissioners and is responsible to the Board of Commissioners


Audit Committee Charter

In carrying out their duties, the Audit Committee is guided by the Audit Committee Charter with the latest update. The charter covers the composition of membership, structure, governance, membership requirements including competency and independence requirements, authority, duties & responsibilities, procedures, meeting and work procedures as well as reporting.

Duties and Responsibilities of Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Board of Commissioners in carrying out its supervisory duties of the Company and provide adequate confidence in the effectiveness of the internal control system and the effectiveness of the performance of external and internal auditors’ duties.

Appointment, Termination and Composition

The Audit Committee is appointed and dismissed by the Company’s Board of Commissioners. The composition of the membership of the Audit Committee is at least 3 people where the Audit Committee Chairperson is an Independent Commissioner while the Members come from outside the Company.

Name Profile
Ancella Anitawati Hermawan
Chairman of Audit Committee

Indonesian Citizen, based in Indonesia. Currently she also serves as Independent Commissioner of PT SMI. She was appointed pursuant to the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. SK-01/SMI/DK/0724.

Widuri Meintari K.
Member of Audit Committee

Indonesian Citizen, born in May 1977, based in Indonesia. She was appointed pursuant to the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. SK-04/SMI/DK/1022.

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Vidvant Brahmantyo
Member of Audit Committee

Indonesian Citizen, born in December 1979, based in Indonesia. He was appointed pursuant to the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. SK-01/SMI/DK/0523.

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