PT SMI held a talk show named NGOPI - Ngobrol Pembangunan Indonesia
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (PT SMI), Indonesia’s domestic Infrastructure Development Bank, expanded its corporate-wide expertise in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in a one-day corporate training seminar on climate finance and climate adaptation. Supported by Infrastructure Investment in Indonesia (S4I Programme) – a collaborative initiative funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by KfW Development Bank – and in partnership with Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Dornier Group, as the S4I implementation consultant, provided the technical expertise and delivered the content for further strengthening PT SMI staff’s ESG skillset on this particular subject.
The initiative focused on bolstering PT SMI’s capacity in addressing global climate change in anticipation of the critical role international and domestic financial institutions will face in having to mitigate climate risks and implement strategies to manage climate change related impacts, particularly in Indonesia, a nation highly vulnerable to climate related challenges. Globally, there is a marked trend towards integrating ESG principles, sustainability, and climate science into operational business strategies, driven by growing pressures, demands and expectations from stakeholders. The training introduced both international as well as domestic best practices and identified key sectors that present both investment opportunities and risks in Indonesia. Additionally, benchmarking insights were drawn from international institutions such as the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ), and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI).
The strong support from the EU for the S4I initiative plays a pivotal role in progressively applying internationally accepted ESG frameworks in implementing domestic infrastructure projects financed by PT SMI. This includes spreading capacity-building efforts, applied training, and workshops. The two ESG skills enhancement sessions on climate were part of a broader series of corporate-wide Environmental and Social trainings executed under the S4I initiative. Participants engaged in various group activities, including case study discussions, which encouraged them to apply their newly acquired knowledge in their respective field of PT SMI’s operations. The training sessions also included in-depth discussions about PT SMI’s investment and advisory services pipeline from a climate change perspective, enabling the institution to better identify, mitigate, and respond to the climate related challenges in its portfolio.
The first session was focused on ESG risks related to climate finance. The second session centred on climate change adaptation measures. Training design combined national and international case studies and also served as guidance for PT SMI how best to implement climate finance and adaptation in daily operational actions across its operation.
These materials have been prepared with the support of the European Union. The views expressed in these material are those of JV Dornier Group – Synergy Consulting and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained in the publication.
PT SMI held a talk show named NGOPI - Ngobrol Pembangunan Indonesia
Penandatanganan Akad Pembiayaan Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat antara PT BIJB dan Sindikasi Perbankan Syariah
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) dan PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk menandatangani perjanjian Pembiayaan Dana Talangan (Bridge Loan) sebesar Rp3,2 Triliun