PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“PT SMI”) with the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF), Ministry of Finance, held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with theme "Fiscal Support for Accelerating Infrastructure Development in Indonesia" on August 30th 2013 in Jakarta.
This FGD was attended by the economic editors and journalists from various media (print, online, TV, radio). Mr. Bambang Brodjonegoro (Head of BKF), Mr. Freddy R. Saragih (Head of Center for Fiscal Risk Management - PPRF), Mrs. Emma Sri Martini (President Director of PT SMI) and Mrs. Aviliani (Economist) were the keynote speakers of this event.
FGD will be conducted continuously on a regular basis as a forum to exchange ideas and feedbacks which hopefully can support our best efforts in accelerating infrastructure development in Indonesia.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and PT SMI have also signed the amendments of the Agreement on implementation of two showcase projects facilitation assignment, Soekarno Hatta Airport Railway PPP Project and SPAM Umbulan PPP Project.