News Updates 22 July 2020
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Guarding the National Economic Recovery, Here's Airlangga's Direction

A special task force (task force) team for national economic recovery and Corona management held an initial meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs. After the meeting, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said the task force's task was among others to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 to create multiyear economic programs. "In the discussion of the first meeting, we also discussed matters related to the government budget, especially with the Ministry of Finance and Bappenas related to the multiyears programs. Then from the program to develop R&D and develop vaccine licensing distribution in accordance with existing plans. Of course this is still will be discussed in the next few meetings," Airlangga said in his office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (07/21/2020). From an economic perspective, Airlangga said, the government would prepare the region to make loans in the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program through PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) ("PT SMI"). "The government is preparing for regions to be able to make loans through programs prepared in the PEN program, including through PT SMI," he said. In addition, health spending will be encouraged to take advantage of domestic production to have a wide-ranging effect on economic recovery. "Of course health spending is prioritized on national production so that in this condition national production is prioritized so as to provide a multiplier effect on the community and the restructuring program for UMKM and corporations has been issued PP related to LPS (Deposit Insurance Agency) is expected to be even better and the realization of the PEN program is good for UMKM and for the corporate sector," he added. Source: detik.com
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