Events 31 October 2012
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Panel Discussion: Infrastructure Development Acceleration in East Kalimantan Province

Regional Licensing and Investment Agency (BPPMD) East Kalimantan Province and PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) or PT SMI have organised a panel discussion called “Infrastructure Development Acceleration in East Kalimantan Province” on November 1, 2012, held in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. This panel discussion was opened by Mr. H. M. Sabani,  Assistant II of East Kalimantan Province, representing the East Kalimantan governor.  The discussion was also attended by almost 80 participants from local government institutions (province and regency from East Kalimantan Province) as well as from local state-owned enterprises. The speakers were Head of Regional Infrastructure Development Bappeda Mr. Hafidz Lahiya and President Director of PT SMI Ms. Emma Sri Martini. Head of BPPMD East Kalimantan Province Mr. M. Yadi Sabianoor was the chairman of the discussion, and President Director of PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (subsidiary of PT SMI), Mr. Kartika Wirjoatmodjo was actively involved in the discussion.
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