Build Cijago Toll Road, BNI and PT SMI Distribute IDR 2.6 Trillion Syndicated Loans to Translingkar Kita Jaya
Jakarta, January 29 2024 - PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“PT SMI” or “Company”) officially acquired 25% of the shares of PT Waskita Toll Road (“PT WTR”), in PT Trans Jabar Tol (“PT TJT” ). With the entry of PT SMI as a shareholder, PT TJT is now owned by PT WTR (74.99%), PT SMI (25%), and Waskita Cooperative (0.01%). The signing of the Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) was carried out at the PT SMI Office, Sahid Sudirman Center Building, on Thursday, January 25 2024, carried out by the Director of Financing and Investment of PT SMI, Sylvi J. Gani, and the President Director of PT WTR, Daniel Fitzgerald Liman .
The event was also attended by Assistant Deputy for Infrastructure of the Ministry of BUMN Anindita Eka Wibisono, Director of Freeway Roads of the Ministry of PUPR Triono Junoasmono, Member of the Toll Road Regulatory Body, Stakeholder Elements of the Ministry of PUPR R. Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, Main Director of PT SMI Edwin Syahruzad, and Main Director PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk (“PT Waskita Karya”) Muhammad Hanugroho.
PT TJT is a Toll Road Business Entity (“BUJT”) holder of the Ciawi – Sukabumi (“Bocimi”) toll road concession located in West Java. Previously, PT TJT had completed the construction of the Ciawi - Cigombong section and the Cigombong - Cibadak section with a total length of 27.25 km. The Ciawi – Cigombong section has been operating since 2018, while the Cigombong – Cibadak section started operating without tariffs on August 6 2023.
The entry of PT SMI as a shareholder of PT TJT aims to accelerate the completion of the next construction of the Bocimi toll road, namely the 13.7 km Cibadak - West Sukabumi section, construction of which has already begun. "This share acquisition shows the commitment of PT SMI and Waskita Group in supporting National Strategic Projects that are beneficial to society. "We hope that this Bocimi section can improve connectivity, access and save travel time between Bogor and Sukabumi, as well as becoming an alternative route to reduce congestion on arterial roads," said PT SMI President Director, Edwin Syahruzad.
The President Director of PT Waskita Karya, Muhammad Hanugroho, who is familiarly called Oho, believes that this strategic partnership will resolve some of Waskita Karya's obligations in its restructuring program. "God willing, this is an initial journey that will provide blessings not only to PT SMI and Waskita Karya Group but also to the people who will use the Ciawi Sukabumi toll road to West Sukabumi. We hope that in the future there will still be a lot of potential for collaboration and we hope that everything can run smoothly and successfully. We would like to thank PT SMI for its support and cooperation, and let us pray that it can continue in the future
collaborate to achieve the goal of building Indonesia's infrastructure," explained Oho in his speech
This strategic partnership between PT SMI and PT WTR can support PT TJT in obtaining funding sources to complete the Bocimi toll road project. With the completion and operation of the Bocimi toll road, connectivity in the West Java region is increasing. So it will be a positive catalyst in supporting the improvement of the local economy and can have a positive impact on people's standard of living.
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About PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) ("PT SMI") which was founded on February 26, 2009 is a State-Owned Enterprise under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance in the form of a Non-Bank Financial Institution (LKBB). PT SMI plays a role and has a mandate as a catalyst for accelerating national development.
PT SMI has various functions and unique products/features to support the acceleration of infrastructure development which not only functions as infrastructure financing but also as an enabler through the implementation of the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (KPBU) scheme which includes various financial institutions, both private and multilateral. PT SMI actively supports the implementation of PPP and encourages the acceleration of infrastructure development in the regions through regional loan products.
PT SMI has three business pillars, namely (1) Financing and Investment, namely financing infrastructure projects, (2) Consulting Services, namely solutions to the needs of professional staff and experts in the infrastructure sector and (3) Project Development, namely assisting the Person in Charge of Cooperation Projects (PJPK) to prepare infrastructure projects.
About PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk
Waskita was founded in 1961 as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) and in December 2012 Waskita became a Public Company and its shares were listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange with the stock code "WSKT". In recent years, Waskita has increasingly strengthened its role as one of the main contractors in Indonesia as well as an Infrastructure/Realty Developer through the establishment of subsidiaries, namely PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP), PT Waskita Toll Road, PT Waskita Karya Realty, and PT Waskita Karya Infrastruktur.
About PT Waskita Toll Road
Established on June 19 2014, PT Waskita Toll Road (“PT WTR”) is a subsidiary of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk which operates in the toll road investment sector. In 2018, PT WTR succeeded in achieving achievements by owning 18 toll roads with a total length of up to 1,021 km. By building new toll roads and taking over toll road projects that are not yet underway, PT WTR focuses on carrying out asset recycling on these toll roads for strategic investors. Currently PT WTR has 10 toll roads with a total length of up to 548 km spread across Java and Sumatra.
Currently, PT WTR is the majority shareholder in 6 Toll Road Business Entities ("BUJT") which are managers of toll roads such as the Pemalang-Batang toll road, the Pasuruan-Probolinggo toll road, the Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi toll road, the Bekasi-Cawang-Kampung Melayu, Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyar toll road and Kayuagung-Palembang-Betung toll road. Meanwhile, PT WTR is also a minority shareholder in a number of other BUJTs, including the Cimanggis-Cibitung toll road and the Depok-Antasari toll road.
For further information, please contact:
Ramona Harimurti
Head of Corporate Secretary
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
Tel: +6221 8082 5288
Fax: +6221 8082 5258
Ermy Puspa Yunita
SVP Corporate Secretary
PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk
Tel: +6221 8508510
+6221 8508520
Alex Siwu
Corporate Secretary
PT Waskita Toll Road
Tel: +6221 851 5558
Fax: +6221 851 5556
Build Cijago Toll Road, BNI and PT SMI Distribute IDR 2.6 Trillion Syndicated Loans to Translingkar Kita Jaya
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