News Updates 03 August 2023
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PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Supports Regional Financing to Build Infrastructure Faster

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) offers easy financing for regions that want to build infrastructure but are constrained by funds so they can apply for easier and faster financing.

Head of Corporate Secretary Division of PT SMI, Ramona Harimurti said that currently there are 92 regions in the country that have collaborated and are served by infrastructure financing with a total financing of IDR 35.8 trillion. Most of the funding is used by the regions to build roads, markets and hospitals.

"Yes, we are here to provide solutions so that local governments can continue to develop infrastructure that cannot yet be served by bank financing," said Ramona during a visit to Graha Tribune, Wednesday (2/8/2023).

Ramona said a number of regions in South Sumatra had also established this financing cooperation, one of which was Palembang. Funding that can be done in this collaboration is generally in the tens of billions in nominal terms with a multi-year tenor or up to five years normally.

Regional financing is usually custom in nature or adjusts to the needs and ability to pay from the region itself, the amount for each region is different. Meanwhile, competitive loan interest or below bank interest with an adjusted repayment period.

"We are collaborating with the Ministry of Home Affairs to obtain information regarding the allocation of regional APBN funds that will be financed to ensure that the regions are able and able to pay," he added.

PT SMI is an Indonesian state-owned enterprise engaged in infrastructure financing. Until the end of 2020, this company has disbursed financing for 289 infrastructure projects with a total project value of IDR 699.18 trillion.



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