Events 03 August 2020
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PT SMI Achieved Rank III As the Best Performing Debtor in the BUMN Loan Category in 2019

The State Treasury Special Investment Service Office (KPPN KI) gave appreciation to PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) as the Best Performing Debtor Rank III in 2019 for the category of BUMN Loans. Appreciation was given directly at PT SMI's office by the Head of KPPN KI, Abdullah Syahidin and received by PT SMI's Director of Operations & Finance, Darwin Trisna Djajawinata (28/07). This award is given based on an assessment of 3 aspects, namely the accuracy of the amount of receivable payments, the timeliness of payment of receivables and the compliance of the outstanding loan reconciliation during the 2019 period. We should be grateful for this appreciation and in line with PT SMI's commitment to carry out its mandate as a catalyst for Indonesia's infrastructure development and to be a trusted, professional, and sustainable national development driver that prioritizes community benefits, especially in social, environmental and economic aspects.
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