Events 14 July 2015
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PT SMI and The Deputy Attorney General for State Administrative Court Affairs (Jamdatun) Signed a Cooperation Agreement

Last 13 July 2015, PT SMI represented by its President Director, Ms. Emma Sri Martini and The Deputy Attorney General for State Administrative Court Affairs (Jamdatun) represented by Mr. Noor Rochmad, the Deputy Attorney General for State Administrative Court Affairs, had signed a cooperation agreement in Jakarta. This event was also witnessed by both Board of Directors of PT SMI and Officials from Jamdatun. Through this agreement, Jamdatun commits to facilitate PT SMI in legal and state administrative court affairs in which case will provide significant support for PT SMI in financing infrastructure projects in Indonesia. Moreover currently the Government of Indonesia is preparing PT SMI to transform into Indonesia Development Financing Institution (LPPI). “Through this cooperation, we hope that PT SMI wil be more credible in playing its role as catalyst in infrastructure development” Said Emma Sri Martini during her keynote speech.
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