Events 05 May 2021
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PT SMI Obtained ISO 37001:2016 Certification

In March 2021, PT SMI has successfully obtained the ISO 37001:2016 Certificate for Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) from PT Sucofindo (Persero), which is an Indonesian state-owned company engaged in inspection, supervision, testing and assessment. The submission of this certificate was carried out online by the Commercial Director I of PT Sucofindo (Persero) - Herliana Dewi, to the President Director of PT SMI - Edwin Syahruzad, in the "ISO 37001 Certificate Handover Ceremony" on Tuesday (04/05). The ceremony was also attended by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance - Sumiyati, the Director of Anti-Corruption KPK for Business Entities - Aminudin, officials from the Ministry of Finance, BPKP, OJK, as well as the Board of Commissioners and Sharia Supervisory Board of PT SMI. As the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicle (SMV), PT SMI views that this achievement is a form of corporate responsibility towards the government's commitment to building an anti-corruption climate in the business world, in accordance with Supreme Court Regulation No.13 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases by Corporations. , as well as PT SMI's commitment to implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG). The President Director of PT SMI, in his opening remarks stated that the acquisition of ISO 37001 version 2016 is a form of follow-up by the company to always mitigate risks to potential bribery practices in PT SMI's work environment. This is in line with the efforts and commitment to uphold the value of integrity as the corporate culture of PT SMI (i-Sprint). This certification is expected to be a form of commitment for all PT SMI personnel to always improve anti-bribery compliance and prevent corrupt practices within the company, so that it can become a reference for other BUMN under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance.
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