Events 04 November 2019
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PT SMI Participates in the HORI 73 Family Gathering at the Ministry of Finance

The series of activities of the 73rd Hari Oeang RI (HORI) are still rolling, which is filled with the HORI 73 Family Gathering with officials and employees of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Finance's SMV on the Ministry of Finance (02/11). The excitement of the event was felt at the PT SMI booth which was packed with visitors to try the game "Lucky Wheel" and be happy. The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, also had a chance to stop at PT SMI's booth and capture the moment together with the Board of Directors of PT SMI. At the event, the Minister of Finance said that there are four characters that must be held tightly by all state financial officers, namely competent, sincere and trustworthy work, fast and precise work, and integrity. Selamat HORI 73! Maju Bersama Menghadapi Tantangan.
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