Synergy of PT SMI and Ministry of Health Boosts Health Infrastructure in Indonesia
PT SMI supports the construction of the Trans Papua Non-Toll Road, Jayapura-Wamena Section, Mamberamo-Elelim Segment, ± 50.14 km long through collaboration with Bank BRI and other members of the financing syndicate. With the provision of facilities of IDR 2.67 trillion, this project is expected to increase accessibility and mobility that can drive every aspect of life in Papua.
This development is in line with the focus of PT SMI which is currently transforming into a Development Finance Institution (DFI), namely increasing economic growth and inclusive development, one of which is through infrastructure development that can increase accessibility and mobility in Papua.
The construction of the Trans Papua Non-Toll Road, Jayapura-Wamena Section was initiated to increase connectivity between 3 provinces and 8 districts in Papua Pegunungan. This connectivity can accelerate national development through:
The provision of facilities was inaugurated through the signing of the Syndicated Financing Agreement of PT Hutama Mambelim Trans Papua (HMTP) as the project implementing business entity and syndicated facility provider on December 30, 2024. The signing of this agreement was carried out by the Head of Financing Division II of PT SMI, Ekha Yudha Pratama with the Acting Director of HMTP, Kun Hartawan Adi Satria, and other facility providers.
The role of PT SMI and other Syndicated Facility Providers in financing the construction of the Trans Papua Non-Toll Road, Jayapura Wamena Section, Mamberamo-Elelim Segment, is expected to accelerate the distribution of national development. This development is in accordance with the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the development plan initiated by the Ministry of PUPR.