Events 11 November 2022
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PT SMI won 4 awards at the ADFIAP Awards 2022

PT SMI won an international award at the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) Awards for its active role as a Development Financial Institution (DFI) in Indonesia which has had a positive impact on development in various fields such as the environment, small business and medium, infrastructure, technology, local economy, Good Corporate Governance, and corporate social responsibility.

Director of Financing & Investment PT SMI - Sylvi J. Gani, directly received the award at the event which was held in conjunction with the ADFIAP Annual Meeting on 26 & 27 October 2022 in Manila, Philippines, as well as being a speaker at the knowledge sharing session.

Of the 10 award categories, PT SMI won 4 awards namely:

  • Outstanding CEO of The Year Award 2022, for the President Director of PT SMI - Edwin Syahruzad
  • Winner - Category 4, Infrastructure Development for the “DBuN II Clean Water Facility in Desa Bajo Indah” project
  • Merit Award - Category 10, Corporate Social Responsibility for the “Solar Panels to Increase Health & Energy Accessibility in Toyando Ohoiel Health Center” project
  • Special Award, “Best Sustainability Report”
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