Events 31 August 2018
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Realizing the Positive Impact of Regional Infrastructure Development for the Community

Peresmian RSUD Konawe-02 Peresmian RSUD Konawe-07 Peresmian RSUD Konawe-08 Peresmian RSUD Konawe-06 Peresmian RSUD Konawe-05 Peresmian RSUD Konawe-01 The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati together with the Acting Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, Teguh Setyabudi and Acting Regent of Konawe, Tasman Taewa inaugurated the Konawe Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The construction of the Konawe Regional General Hospital was supported by the Government through the PT SMI Regional Financing facility worth Rp 231 billion and has followed the standardization of the World Health Organization (WHO) by providing 204 beds. The construction of Konawe Regional General Hospital has a positive macro impact on the community such as: (1) Economic output increases by 0,41%, (2) Workers' income increases by 0,27%, (3) Household income increases by Rp 53,78 billion or 0,33%, and (4) the field of workers increased by 0,08%. The construction of the Konawe Regional General Hospital also has a positive social impact on the community, such as: (1) Increasing the income of traders around Konawe Hospital up to 300%, (2) Absorption of more than 600 workers, and (3) Increasing land prices up to 2 times. The construction of the Konawe Regional General Hospital is also in line with the application of the principles of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and allows to improve welfare & public health and support the improvement of the regional economy. Thanks to the strong commitment of the Central Government, Local Government, PT SMI, and other Stakeholders will realize regional infrastructure development that has a positive impact on society.
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