PT SMI Berikan Pinjaman Rp 231,9 Miliar untuk Pengembangan RSUD Konawe
The development of social infrastructure worth Rp 231 billion is supported by the Central Government - the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs - through the Municipal Financing facility from PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) ("PT SMI") which includes development health care building and hospitalization as well as procurement of medical devices.
The establishment of RSUD Konawe will enable more than 450 thousand people to get adequate health services, considering that RSUD Konawe is a Regional Referral Hospital that serves 4 (four) districts namely Konawe Regency, Kolaka Timur Regency, South Konawe District, and North Konawe District. President Director of PT SMI, Emma Sri Martini stated: "PT SMI as the catalyst for infrastructure development in Indonesia is ready to support the Regional Government in realizing the acceleration of equitable infrastructure development for the people of Indonesia, including by establishing the development of various basic infrastructure or social infrastructure such as hospitals. In Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, it is an honor for us to be able to participate in the construction financing of the RSUD Konawe which has followed the standardization of the World Health Organization (WHO) by providing 204 beds. PT SMI strongly supports the development of regional infrastructure that can provide benefits and the best health services for the surrounding community, considering the construction of the RSUD Konawe has a positive macro impact on the community, including: (1) economic output increasing 0.41%, (2) income workers increased by 0.27%, (3) household income increased by Rp. 53.78 billion or 0.33%, and (4) workers' fields increased by 0.08%. The construction of the RSUD Konawe also has a positive social impact on the community, including: (1) increasing the income of traders around RSUD Konawe up to 300%, (2) absorption of more than 600 workers, and (3) increasing land prices by 2 times. In carrying out its role as a catalyst for Indonesia's infrastructure development, PT SMI always puts forward the application of the principles of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) well. The construction of the RSUD Konawe is in line with the application of the SDGs principles and allows to: (1) improve the welfare and health of the community, (2) create economic growth and decent employment, (3) support sustainable regional economic development, and (4) reduce economic inequality area. The completion of the construction of the RSUD Konawe is one of the joint commitments between the Stakeholders - the Central Government (Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Home Affairs), the Regional Government (Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government and Konawe District), and PT SMI - in realizing regional infrastructure development that has a positive impact on the community "-the end-
About PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“PT SMI”)
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) ("PT SMI") which was established on February 26, 2009 is a State-Owned Enterprise under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance in the form of Non-Bank Financial Institutions (LKBB) which play a role and have the mandate as a catalyst for accelerating infrastructure development.
PT SMI has a variety of unique functions and products/ features to support the acceleration of infrastructure development that not only serves as infrastructure financing but also as an enabler through the implementation of PPP schemes that involve various private and multilateral financial institutions. PT SMI actively supports the implementation of PPP and encourages the acceleration of infrastructure development in the region through regional loan products.
PT SMI has three business pillars, namely (1) Financing and Investment, namely financing of infrastructure projects, (2) Consultation Services, namely solutions to the needs of professionals and experts in infrastructure and (3) Project Development, which is to assist Personnel in Cooperation Projects. (PJPK) to prepare infrastructure projects.
Further information: Ramona Harimurti Head of Corporate Secretary Agah Djajadiredja Communications & CSR PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) Tel: +6221 8082 5288 Fax: +6221 8082 5258 Email: SMI Berikan Pinjaman Rp 231,9 Miliar untuk Pengembangan RSUD Konawe
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