Events 20 May 2021
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SMIers Meet Up & Virtual Halal Bihalal 2021

We still have to go through the moment of Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H in various unusual ways. However, this does not reduce the meaning of friendship for all PT SMI people. In this Eid atmosphere, PT SMI Management held Town Hall activities: SMIers Meet Up & Virtual Halal Bihalal on Wednesday (19/05), which was held simply but still solemn. This event became an opportunity for Directors and also SMIers (PT SMI employees) to greet each other and share the spirit of optimism while strengthening the relationship. The Board of Directors also expressed appreciation to all SMIers for their efforts and hard work in carrying out the Company's business activities, especially in conditions full of limitations, so as to be able to create resilience in the Company's business continuity in 2020. On the same occasion, the Sharia Supervisory Board of PT SMI - Mr. Abdul Mughni, was also present, to give a tausiyah (lecture) regarding the meaning of tolerance. Through the Virtual Halal Bihalal activity at the Town Hall Q2-2021, it is hoped that it can strengthen solidarity between employees, so that they can continue to contribute and work better for the country.
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