Events 29 April 2019
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Strengthen Legal Aspects for Regional Financing, PT SMI Conducts Information Dissemination Event Together With Kejati and Kejari

During its 10 years of journey, PT SMI has always maintained its integrity and mitigated legal risk in accelerating Indonesia's infrastructure development. One of them was realized through the event of "Information Dissemination of the Acceleration of Regional Infrastructure Development to the High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) & District Attorney's Office (Kejari) in the Sulawesi region". This event held in Makassar aimed to strengthen the understanding of legal aspects both to PT SMI and the Regional Government in the implementation of regional financing facilities. PT SMI as the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicles (Ministry of Finance's SMV) in collaboration with the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration (Jamdatun) covering assistance, consideration, assistance, and other legal actions contained in the MoU to guard various legal conditions that might happen. It is hoped that through this event, Kejati and Kejari will always support optimally the acceleration of regional infrastructure development so that it can provide tangible benefits to the community.
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