Press Releases 18 March 2020
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The Appointment of the Acting Official of President Commissioner of PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“PT SMI” or the “Company”) on March 17, 2020

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (“Minister”) as the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT SMI through a Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Decree No. 120/KMK.06/2020 dated March 17, 2020 on the Appointment of the Acting Official of President Commissioner of PT SMI (“Minister Decree”) stipulates as follows:
  1. To appoint Mr. Sukatmo Padmosukarso as the Acting Official of President Commissioner
  2. To resolve the terms of office of Mr. Sukatmo Padmosukarso as the Acting Official of President Commissioner effective as of the issuance of the respective Minister Decree until the appointment of the definitive President Commissioner of the Company by the General Meeting of Shareholders
  3. To grant obligations, duties, power and authority to Mr. Sukatmo Padmosukarso as the Acting Official of President Commissioner to carry out his duties in accordance with the provisions of the Company's Articles of Association until the appointment of the definitive President Commissioner
Therefore, the composition of the member of the Board of Commissioners of PT SMI shall be as follows: Sukatmo Padmosukarso Acting Official of President Commissioner Sukatmo Padmosukarso Independent Commissioner Suryo Utomo Commissioner Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha Commissioner
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