News Updates 12 June 2020
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The Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Finance Approved the Provincial Government Loan Proposal at PT SMI

The process of lending the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government to PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) will soon be completed. The Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Tito Karnavian and the Minister of Finance (Menkeu), Sri Mulyani finally gave their blessing. Now, the Provincial Government loan proposal file is on the SMI Board of Directors' table. "We are just waiting for the SMI directors' recommendations. All procedures at the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Minister of Finance have all been completed. Usually at this time only two more steps are Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the agreement," Robert Maturbongs said, Acting Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) Southeast Sulawesi yesterday. He estimates that the loan process can be completed in July. Moreover, all file verification processes have been completed. "Normally if the directors are okay, we will immediately sign the MoU. Our target in July is running," he said optimistically. The loan proposal, he said, was reduced. Initially, the Provincial Government proposed a loan of Rp1.195 trillion. However, after being reviewed at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Mendagri) the value was reduced to Rp1.188 trillion. This reduction through a variety of considerations and technical aspects. "The loan value is less than Rp7 billion, but that is not a problem. God willing, the shortage will be covered in the regional budget," he explained. Source: kendaripos.co.id
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