Events 04 November 2020
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The Synergy of PT SMI and PT PLN through SDG Indonesia One

PT SMI's commitment to the development of New and Renewable Energy (EBT) projects in Indonesia is evidenced by a synergy with PT PLN. Right at the moment of the 75th anniversary of electricity day (2/11) held virtually with the theme "PLN Go Green and Sustainable" which was also attended by Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati and President Director of PT SMI, Edwin Syahruzad, had the opportunity to present updates on the implementation of the SDG Indonesia One (SIO) platform-based cooperation to all levels of the Board of Directors and employees of PT PLN throughout Indonesia. One of PT SMI's supports in the field of New and Renewable Energy, is support for exploring the financing of EBT projects with a capacity of 10 MW, collaborative de-risking schemes through the Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation (GREM) program, as well as technical support and capacity building to encourage cooperation between PT PLN and Business entities in the PPP scheme. PT SMI is optimistic that with the support of various parties, the acceleration of the achievement of the Government's target to produce a 23% NRE mix by 2025 will be achieved.
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