News Updates 01 December 2022
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Unhas Collaborates with PT SMI to Maximize RSGMP Services

Hasanuddin University (Unhas) cooperates with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) in building collaborations to support the development of education and improve health services at Unhas Dental and Oral Teaching Hospital (RSGMP). The Chancellor of Unhas, Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa, said that Unhas as a PTNBH campus is required to be able to manage finances and funds independently. Hence, Unhas is confident and optimistic in carrying out good governance of the education system.

"Through expanding cooperation with various strategic partners, one of which is with industry, namely PT SMI. This is a challenge for Unhas to continue to push itself in developing the campus through maximum and optimal efforts," explained the man who is familiarly called Prof. JJ, Wednesday, 30 November.

For example: increasing investment in infrastructure development to support educational facilities and focusing on strengthening the quality of human resources (HR), to play a role in providing the best service professionally. can be cooperated with PT SMI. This collaboration is a form of effort in order to maximize health services and improve the quality of education and research in the field of dentistry at RSGMP Unhas, "RSGMP Unhas has the desire to carry out renovations and developments with the target of becoming a type A hospital that has supporting equipment and technology, bed capacity according to standards through additional supporting facilities for basic services, specialist services in dentistry, and education for dental and oral health workers," explained Dr. Andi Tajrin. PT SMI's Director of Public Financing and Project Development, Faaris Pranawa, explained in general the prospects for cooperation carried out by various partners. PT SMI is a Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) under the Ministry of Finance which is engaged in financing and preparing infrastructure projects. PT SMI acts as a catalyst for accelerating Indonesia's infrastructure development through innovative, unique and flexible financing products.

"We very much welcome this collaboration, which is expected to be the first step or opening for expanding collaboration in the field of education. We are ready to provide full support in the form of guarantees to ensure quality results in achieving maximum service productivity which can also have an impact on various sectors in their development in the social and economic environment.So we will try to develop good governance, explained Faaris.


source: Fajar

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