Events 23 September 2019
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Desa Bakti untuk Negeri 2: Collaboration of PT SMI & Local Residents in Waesano, East Nusa Tenggara

Indonesia is one of the best geothermal energy sources, one of which is located in Waesano Village, Sano Nggoang District, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The village has a volcanic lake that has the potential to supply 50 MW of electricity through geothermal energy. This potential is not wiped out by the Government to provide tangible benefits for the people at large by the availability of electricity. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance mandates one of its Special Mission Vehicles to collect data & explore the clean energy content. In carrying out this mandate, PT SMI always involves the active role of the community & traditional leaders, including in the application of Environmental & Social Safeguards (ESS). This was realized through the Desa Bakti untuk Negeri 2 (DBUN 2) program - previously (DBUN 1) held in Semarang Regency, Central Java - emphasizing active community involvement and aligning with development activities carried out by the Regional Government. DBUN 2, which was inaugurated by the Director of PT SMI Darwin Trisnadjajawinata (19/09) & also supported by the West Manggarai Regency Government, covered 2 activities: physical work & development as well as community economic improvement. DBUN 2 is expected to be able to support the creation of environmental, social, regional infrastructure, education & community economic improvement benefits - now and in the future.
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