Events 17 June 2021
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Hearing Meeting ("RDP") PT SMI with BAKN - DPR RI

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (PT SMI) has complied with the invitation to the Hearing Meeting (“RDP”) from the State Financial Accountability Committee (“BAKN”) of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (“DPR RI”) in order to obtain input regarding the Review of the Audit Result Report of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (“BPK RI”) to PT SMI in Semester II-2019 (16/6). The fulfillment of this invitation is a form of PT SMI's commitment and responsibility to comply with the principle of information disclosure. As stipulated in the 1945 Constitution Article 20 (A) paragraph 1, it is stated that DPR RI has the functions of Legislation, Budgeting and Oversight. In optimizing the supervisory function, DPR RI has a number of board equipment, one of which is BAKN which has the following duties:
  1. Conduct a review of the findings of the BPK RI which is submitted to the DPR RI;
  2. Submit the results of the review to the commission;
  3. Following up on the results of the commission's discussion with the BPK RI according to the commission's request;
  4. Provide input to BPK RI in terms of annual audit plans, obstacles as well as presentation and quality of reports.
Based on the results of the BPK RI examination in Semester II-2019 to PT SMI, BAKN felt the need to confirm and clarify to PT SMI on several matters related to the implementation of PT SMI's duties. This positive and interactive discussion was led by Wahyu Sanjaya and was held in a hybrid (physical and online) manner at the Nusantara I Building, DPR RI. Also physically present were the President Director of PT SMI - Edwin Syahruzad, Operations & Finance Director - Darwin Trisna Djajawinata and Risk Management Director - Faaris Pranawa.
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