PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), a State-owned infrastructure financing company, actively engaged in Indonesia Infrastructure Week 2017.
At the first day of its opening, Minister of National Development Planning of Indonesia, Bambang Brodjonegoro visited PT SMI booth in IIW-2017. PT SMI is expected to be accelerator for Indonesia infrastructure development, who able to leverage the development fund from government to finance more infrastructure projects in Indonesia.

PT SMI also conducted a public discussion on their booth “Discussion on Acceleration of Infrastructure Development in Regional Area” to educate and inform public of alternative financing resources of regional infrastructure development. The forum also featuring prominent speaker, which are:
Mr. Iskandar Simomangkir, Deputy Minister for Macro-Economic and Financial Coordination, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs

Mr. Boediarso Teguh Widodo, Director General – Fiscal Balance, Indonesia Ministry of Finance

Mr. Robert Pakpahan, Director General of Budget Financing and Risk Management, Indonesia Ministry of Finance

Mr. Moh Ardian Noervianto Director of Fund Balancing, Ministry of Home Affairs

Mr. Helmi Surya Botutihe, Distric Secretary of South Halmahera