Randiman Ingin RSUD dr Pirngadi Jadi Rumah Sakit Modern
Educational tourism is very important to be introduced to all people from an early age and knows no age limit. Various environmental issues that are currently occurring should be the obligation and responsibility of the entire community to be wiser in protecting the environment, one of which is by managing organic and inorganic waste.
Department of Resource and Environmental Economics (ESL) Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University in collaboration with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) carried out Green Class Educational Tourism Trial activities, (19/1) in Kebon Kopi Village, Cibanteng Village, Ciampea, Bogor. This activity was attended by students and accompanying teachers from SDN 03 Cihideung Ilir, MI Al Ittihad, SDN 03 Cihideung Ilir and SDIT At-thalla Cendekia Cibanteng Sawah.
The purpose of this pilot activity is to see the potential demand from green class educational tourism as a consideration/reference for the development of green class educational tourism in the future. Apart from that, to see a real picture if the tour is actually running.
The Head of the ESL Department, Dr. Ahyar Ismail said that this activity was a form of sustainability that had been carried out so that IPB University won awards at the national level. "Thank you to all Cibanteng residents who have participated in supporting this program. Hopefully it can continue and make Cibanteng Village a low-carbon village," he said.
Dr Meti Ekayani, Secretariat of the ESL Department, said that green class educational tourism activities are educational tours that focus on inorganic waste management, especially plastic packaging. The targets of this trial are elementary, middle and high school, environmental communities/Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) such as the Indonesian Green Action Forum (IGAF) and the waste bank.
"The benefits of sustainability that will be obtained are that it can be an educational tool for visiting tourists to be more aware of the environment and be responsible for their waste. In addition, tourists who attend can become cadres for friends around them," he said.
Another benefit, he continued, is that this tour can make local residents aware and be consistent in managing their environment and in the future it can become additional income and improve the welfare of the community.
The Head of Cibanteng Village, Warso, SSos, MM was also present and conveyed directions to students to always maintain a clean environment wherever they are. Not only littering, but also collecting the waste and managing it into useful products.
This activity was also assisted by the women of the Cibanteng Village Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) by providing training on making products made from inorganic waste to students. Students gain new knowledge about procedures for managing waste so that it becomes a valuable product. Many products can be produced from inorganic waste and these products have been marketed through e-commerce.