Dukung Pembangunan Infrastruktur, PT SMI Berikan Fasilitas Pinjaman Rp3,7 Triliun Kepada PT Waskita Karya (Persero)
In line with PT SMI's commitment to government policies in achieving the Net-Zero Emission (NZE) target through its operational activities, and in order to encourage the advancement of the national automotive industry, PT SMI has taken the initiative to shift its operational vehicles from oil-fueled vehicles (BBM) to electric-based vehicles. (KBL). This transfer was carried out in stages by PT SMI through the purchase of 2 (two) units of Hyundai Ioniq vehicles as an initial transfer.
The symbolic activity for the launching of this program was carried out by Management Representatives from PT SMI, PT Hyundai Mobil Indonesia, and the Sahid Sudirman Center Building Manager, on Thursday (19/5) at the PT SMI Office, witnessed directly by the Head of Sub-Directorate of KND I, DJKN Ministry of Finance - Nofiansyah, as a representative of the Shareholders, namely the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, who also supports PT SMI's initiative.
Previously, PT SMI has also developed many initiatives in its operational activities in order to support sustainable development and environmental sustainability in Indonesia, such as making efficiency efforts in water consumption, energy, and waste management. Through these initiatives, it is hoped that in the future it can provide more sustainable benefits, especially in accelerating the government's efforts to achieve NZE.
Dukung Pembangunan Infrastruktur, PT SMI Berikan Fasilitas Pinjaman Rp3,7 Triliun Kepada PT Waskita Karya (Persero)
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