News Updates 10 February 2022
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LMI and SMI Initiate Avocado Village

After planting trees last month in Blora, this time Laznas LMI together with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) through their CSR program continue the 'Green Indonesia Project' agenda by planting 2000 avocado trees in Wunung Village, Wonosari District, Gunung Kidul (9/2/ 2022). This agenda is a series of reforestation movements in the context of anticipating and adapting to climate change.

At the planting ceremony, the Director of Utilization of Laznas LMI, Citra Widuri said that the tree was planted on an area of ​​5 hectares. "Some of the trees were planted on village land as pilot points. The rest were planted in 183 yards and 33 garden points belonging to the residents." he explained in his press statement, Wednesday (9/2/2022).

A total of 216 people were involved in this program which later formed an avocado farmer group. They are the ones who will take care of the plants until they grow big so that the program objectives in anticipating the impacts of climate change are achieved.

In addition, this program will also have an economic impact on the community when the avocados are harvested so that the welfare of the community can increase.

With the large number of trees planted, in the future Wunung Village is targeted to become an avocado village. Laznas LMI and SMI are committed to assisting farmer groups that have been formed in avocado cultivation through capacity building activities both in terms of cultivation (on farm), group management to later post-harvest product management (off farm).

The Regent of Gunung Kidul, Sunaryanta, who was present at the planting ceremony agenda, really appreciated what Laznas LMI and SMI had done in their area. He said, "Gunung Kidul government is ready to support community development needs so that life is more prosperous and dignified." The agenda was attended by many stakeholders who are ready to support and develop this village such as the Deputy Chair of the Gunung Kidul DPRD, the Agriculture Service, the Wonosari Forkompimkap, the Environment Service, the UGM campus and farmer groups.


Source: republika.co.id

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